Transformative Leadership

Insights from the Transformative Leadership Panel at the 2023 Transformations Community Conference

By: Simon Beaudoin


The Transformative Leadership panel at the 2023 Transformations Community Conference delved into the skills, capacities, and awareness needed for transformative leadership across various settings. It explored leadership in partnership contexts, the contribution of diverse knowledge to sustainability transformations, and strategies for building inclusive coalitions to drive purposeful change.

The 2023 Transformations Community Conference hosted a pivotal panel on Transformative Leadership, bringing together experts from diverse fields to discuss the evolving nature of leadership in the context of global sustainability challenges. The panel, moderated by Nick Graham, included Simon Beaudoin from the Earth System Governance Project, Christopher Ives from the University of Nottingham, Angela Moriggi from the University of Padua, Michael Bernstein from the Austrian Institute of Technology and Arizona State University, and Per Olsson from the Stockholm Resilience Center.

The panelists engaged in a rich discussion, structured around four guiding questions that probed into the essence of transformative leadership. They explored the necessary skills and awareness for leadership in diverse settings, the meaning of leadership within partnerships, the role of diverse knowledge in sustainability transformations, and strategies for building inclusive coalitions.

Key Insights from the Panel:

  1. Multifaceted Nature of Leadership: Leadership in the context of sustainability is complex and multifaceted. It requires a balance between individual freedom and collective goals, integrating diverse perspectives and methods, fostering resilience across localities, and facilitating deep shifts in understanding.

  2. The Role of Partnerships: Effective leadership in sustainability transformations is often realized through dynamic partnerships that span across sectors like academia, industry, urban planning, and policy. These partnerships are crucial in steering collective efforts toward common sustainability goals.

  3. Embracing Diversity: The panel underscored the importance of embracing diversity in knowledge, perspectives, cultures, and disciplines. This diversity is key to fostering innovative approaches to sustainability challenges and ensuring that transformations are inclusive and equitable.

  4. Building Inclusive Coalitions: A significant focus was on building coalitions that respect diversity while developing unified power to deliver purposive sustainability transformations. This involves co-designing and co-creating the rules of engagement in partnerships and acknowledging and addressing power asymmetries.

Challenges and Next Steps:

The panelists also discussed the challenges in transformative leadership, emphasizing the need for ecological leadership that moves beyond traditional conceptions to include ecological change. They highlighted the importance of collective leadership, engaging diverse cultural backgrounds and socio-economic contexts to advance profound transformations.

As next steps, the panel suggested broadening definitions of leadership to include imaginative and regenerative aspects. They emphasized the need for collective care and empowering collectivity, not just individuals, in leadership roles.


The Transformative Leadership panel at the 2023 Transformations Community Conference offered valuable insights into the evolving nature of leadership in the face of global sustainability challenges. It highlighted the importance of partnerships, diversity, and inclusive coalitions in driving transformative change. The discussions set a clear path for future leadership models that are more inclusive, imaginative, and geared towards collective action and care.


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