"...and this is why I need you" by Susanne Moser

and this is why i need you

because we’re in it now and it is dark and it is frightening and i can’t see clearly on my own.

because we’re in it now and it is hot, too dry, too wet and i lose sight without you of where we are and where we’re going.

because alone i cannot find that reasonable balance between disappointment and hope.

because you help me build muscle memory of how change happens by scaling in and scaling out you help me see where we are and what to do.

you show me who we are and who we have been who we may yet become – the kind of people Earth needs now.

because alone i can find a safe space but only with you does it become a brave space.

and i must be brave now because i don’t see the need for change shrinking or slowing and my zone of influence is just two arm-lengths worth.

because the seeds i sow and the seeds you sow have still low visibility and if you wouldn’t help me see them i’d go crazy.

also because there is peace and promise and power in our shared silence.

because i am tired and i cannot read all that you know and yet there is so much i must learn and so much more i need to unlearn.

also because with you i can remember that i don’t have to know or do everything but find my place and “start where i am. do what i can, use what i have.” and if you do the same it is enough.

also because with you i can remember that i don’t have to know or do everything but find my place and “start where i am. do what i can, use what i have.” and if you do the same it is enough.

because you disrupt my old stories and offer up new ones.

because i had forgotten about the prophecy of how to subvert the palaces of power until you told me about trojan mice.

because common sense is not yet legislated but at least together we can cultivate a shared intent.

and if we don’t get funded at least we can pool the little we have and still be free.

because you remind me that it is precisely in the obstacles we meet that our work lies.

and that together we are bolder in our thinking and actions, in our connections and reflections.

because the mirror you hold up by being you is precisely the one i need to look inside of me.

and because if you hold up one end and i the other of the polarities between us something may yet give and something new may yet come forth.

because together we can liberate our minds and reimagine our futures, reimagine ourselves, become indigenous again.

because together we are tamkeen – the potential in the seed meeting the favorable conditions for its flourishing.

because together we are the future – which is not a time but a possibility looking back at us knowing, intimately, that it depends on each one of us.

~ Susi Moser, July 14, 2023

Visual Scribings from Sydney

Wellbeing Sessions

Pål Dobrin & Therese Asplund @TC23 - Meditation: Compassion for oneself, others and the world

Otto Scharmer @Transformations 2023: Meditation