Core Principles

Four Ts

The heart of Transformations Community’s purpose lies in our Four Ts: Transdisciplinarity, Translocalism, Transformative Learning, and Temperance. These principles steer our work, ensuring alignment and powerful impact.

Transdisciplinarity is at the heart of Transformations Community’s mission, as we cross disciplinary boundaries in pursuit of holistic solutions to complex challenges. By fusing knowledge from diverse fields and reaching beyond academia, we cultivate cutting-edge solutions rooted in real-world impact. This ethos infuses our conferences and upcoming WebForum and projects – less talking heads, more co-creation between researcher/practitioners and interactive workshops where we roll up our sleeves and 'do' transformation.

With Translocalism, we embrace the power of connection and the wisdom of place across diverse geographies and cultures. Our members weave together knowledge, cultivating solutions to take root locally while enabling innovation to travel across a dynamic world. We focus on ways to champion place-based learning and nurture capacity, connecting diverse communities for meaningful exchange. Networks, learning labs, and collaborative community structures pulse with energy in the Transformations Community – we spotlight 'weavers' of these transformative ecosystems, amplifying their leadership and impact. This principle comes alive in our decentralized conferences and networked gatherings, a testament to cross-boundary learning and collaboration that adapts to both local needs and global shifts.

Transformative Learning lies at the core of the Transformations Community experience. We understand that change begins within, and we craft spaces that challenge hearts and minds to facilitate deep shifts in understanding and perception. Our community provides support and a safe haven for members to question their deepest assumptions and venture beyond the limits of their knowledge. We embrace vulnerability, knowing it fuels disruptive conversations and growth. This commitment to inner and outer transformation defines the Transformations Community journey.

Temperance within the Transformations Community means striking a dynamic balance between individual expression and collective power. We enable members to contribute their unique strengths within a shared “pracademic” identity and understanding of what are sustainability transformations. This principle defines our events and initiatives - we provide a coherent framework for meaningful action while fostering creativity and co-creation of direction and outcome.

The Transformations Community's initiatives embody our mission and amplify our purpose. Guided by Transdisciplinarity, Translocalism, Transformative Learning and Temperance we will ignite change, challenge boundaries, embrace interconnectedness, and empower profound growth. Join us in shaping a more just and sustainable future.