Experiences from the Deeper Sense of Place T-Lab

Transforming Coastal Stewardship Action in Casco Bay, ME

By: Sydney Hay, Glenn Page, Hailey Rizzo


The T-Lab, a global workshop focused on transformation systems at a bioregional scale, is designed to deepen understanding of cross-scale systems reflexivity and inspire coastal stewardship action. Through a unique blend of indigenous, western, and bioregional perspectives, the workshop sought to enhance participants' agency and vision for stewardship by revealing previously unseen system dynamics and opportunities for transformative change.


In an era marked by ecological upheaval, the "Deeper Sense of Place" T-Lab emerges as a transformative initiative, aiming to inspire coastal stewardship and foster a profound connection with the Casco Bay bioregion. Sydney Hay, Glenn Page, and Hailey Rizzo delve into this innovative workshop, exploring its impact on participants' ability to perceive and engage with complex system dynamics and its potential to catalyze transformative change.

The Crux of Transformation:

As the world grapples with the consequences of climate change and social division, the need for innovative approaches to address these crises is more pressing than ever. T-Labs, particularly the "Deeper Sense of Place" T-Lab, offer a platform for diverse stakeholders to come together, reflect, and co-create solutions that resonate with the essence of their bioregions. By focusing on bioregionalism, the T-Lab encourages participants to consider the ecological and cultural coherence of their surroundings and how they can actively contribute to its stewardship and resilience.

Methodology and Design

The T-Lab's design process was meticulous, integrating various meta-frameworks and learning methodologies to ensure a rich, immersive experience. Participants were drawn from a diverse pool, ensuring a wide range of perspectives and expertise. The agenda was thoughtfully structured to facilitate a deep dive into the essence of the Casco Bay Bioregion, encouraging participants to explore their connection to the place and its complex systems through various lenses.

Impact and Reflections

Participants emerged from the T-Lab with a heightened sense of agency and a deeper understanding of their bioregion's dynamics. The workshop's emphasis on systems storytelling and reflexivity allowed individuals to perceive new opportunities for stewardship and transformative action. The integration of indigenous perspectives and the focus on bioregionalism deepened participants' connection to the place and each other, fostering a community of motivated changemakers ready to take on the challenges of their respective bioregions.


The "Deeper Sense of Place" T-Lab stands as a testament to the power of collaborative learning and the potential of bioregional approaches to inspire meaningful change. By bringing together diverse voices and perspectives, the workshop has ignited a spark of transformation, empowering participants to envision and work towards a more sustainable and connected future for Casco Bay and beyond. As we move forward, the lessons and insights from this T-Lab will continue to influence and guide those committed to nurturing the health and vitality of their bioregions.


Systems Sensing for Transformations Organizations